Coloured food stains





Tomato sauce

Treat tomato sauce and other bottled sauce in the same way

Hold fresh stains under cold. Running water and rub between your fingers.Apply a prewash treatmentm then launder according to fabric

On carpet remove deposit and sponge with warm water.Blot dry, apply carpet shampoo and wipe off.When dry use a spray stain remover.


Mustard powder can be brushed off. Ready mixed mustard produces a stain that is difficult to remove.

Rub fresh stains between your fingers in a mild detergent solution then sponge with a ammonia solution.soften dry stain with the glycerine and leave for atleast an hour.

Sponge carprt and furniture with a mild detergent then in ammonia solution.Avoid overwetting and finish by sponging with clean water.

Jam and preserve

These leave sticky residues that should be scooped up and wiped with a damp cloth

Launderind should remove stains.

Soak dried marks for half an hour in a laundary borax solution.

Sponge furniture with a warm washing up liquad solution.Sprinkle laundary borex on the mark and sponge offafter 15 minutes.on carpet use carpet shampoothen methylated spirit on remaining marks

Curry and turmeric

These are two of the worst stains. Do not get them on wall coverings where the only solution is patch.

Rinse stain in tepid water, rub in a glycerine solution, leave for half an hour then rinse.Launder in biological solution if possible.use a hydrogen peroxide on persistent stains.

Sponge carpet and furniture with a laundar borex solution. If this is not work on furniture have the covers dry cleaned.a laundary prewash stick is also be effective on carpets


Dropped pieces of choclate become a problem if it once they get warm

Allow to set them then scrape the dry deposit with knife Soak then launder in biological detergent if suitable

Allow to set then scrape with the blunt knife.apply alather of carpet shampoo rubbing in gently.Wipe off with a damp cloth and use a liquad stains remover when dry.


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